Cedar Falls High School
Most Recent
Cedar Falls, IA
Cedar Falls Community School District
Cedar Falls, IA
INVISION Architecture
Des Moines and Waterloo, IA
Hilsabeck Schacht, Inc.
Des Moines, IA
Kinzler Construction Services
Ames, IA
With the goal of creating a highly sustainable, 21st-century learning environment, construction is underway on a new high school for the Cedar Falls Community School District. Situated on a 70-acre site along West 27 Street and adjacent to the University of Northern Iowa, this 300,000-square-foot modern school, designed by INVISION Architecture, will replace an existing, outdated facility from 1954.
Serving 1,400-plus students and the community, it will feature innovative career labs, a multipurpose auditorium, community commons, athletic venues, collaborative small learning communities and a competition pool. This new structure will proactively support the district’s initiative, which includes professional learning communities and their student-focused Power Hour.
Cedar Falls High School is slated for completion in March 2024, and the total construction cost is estimated at $112.8 million. Much of the project is being financed by a $69.9 million bond issue that voters approved in June 2019. The remainder will be subsidized with revenues from a 1% sales tax for schools.
Products Used

Built-in weather and fire protection
Gold Bond® eXP® Fire-Shield® Sheathing

Increased resistance to fire
Gold Bond® Fire-Shield® Gypsum Board

Protect against abuse & abrasion
Gold Bond® XP® Hi-Abuse® Gypsum Board

Resists impact
Gold Bond® XP® Hi-Impact® Gypsum Board

Improved moisture resistance