Installing one and two coat veneer plaster systems
Step-by-step instructions on how to install Gold Bond Kal-Kore Plaster Base and veneer plaster systems

Veneer plaster systems consist of a gypsum lath with a special, highly absorptive paper surface covered with one or two coats of thinly troweled, special-purpose plaster. Veneer plaster is ideal for all types of partition and ceiling constructions, including wood framing, steel framing, and furring and masonry. The overall application of a veneer plaster is faster and easier than conventional plaster, making it a popular choice for modern construction projects.
In this video, you’ll learn how to install Gold Bond® Kal-Kore® Plaster Base and apply one- and two-coat veneer plaster systems with products manufactured by Gold Bond Building Products.

Materials needed:
- Kal-Kore Plaster Base
- Tape Measure
- T-Square
- Utility Knife
- Bugle Head Drywall Screws
- Drill or Driver
- Rotary Tool or Keyhole Saw
- Kal-Mesh® Veneer Plaster Tape
- 1/4” or 5/16” Staples
- Stapler
- Veneer Plaster
- Mixing Drum
- Mixing Arm Drill Attachment
- Trowel
- Hawk
- Finishing Brushes
- Float (Textured Finish)
Steps for installation:
- Inspect wall framing for defects or issues.
- Measure framing spacing to determine the right plaster base length; measure and mark location of all receptacles.
- Mark, score and snap plaster base according to measurements.
- Apply plaster base to wall starting in upper corner.
- Fasten plaster base to framing using bugle head drywall screws.
- Install remaining plaster base with ends in light contact and staggering end joints.
- Cut for receptacles.
- Tape joints and angles using Kal-Mesh Veneer Plaster Tape.
- Mix plaster according to instructions on bag.
- Begin to apply plaster by pretreating all joints with Kal-Kote® Basecoat Plaster, Uni-Kal® Veneer Plaster or X-KALibur® Extended Set Veneer Plaster. Then follow detailed instructions provided in video for one-coat or two-coat systems.
For more information, visit the plaster resources section of our website or contact 1-800-NATIONAL® Construction Services team.
National Gypsum Company is the exclusive service provider for products manufactured by Gold Bond Building Products, LLC.
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