Delivering The Industry’s Best Resources

OnBoard Newsletter | December 2017

As 2017 comes to a finish, we want to thank you for specifying National Gypsum products. To help you with your project needs, it is also our goal to provide you with the industry’s best resources.
Your Construction Design Manager is Here for You
Your National Gypsum construction design manager is always just a phone call or email away, ready to assist you with any project questions or issues. Some reasons to contact your construction design manager include:
- For questions about updated building codes or to meet project fire ratings
Do you need clarification about code updates for buildings or assistance specifying the right products to meet a UL fire-resistance rating? Your construction design manager can provide the latest code updates or help you design an assembly to meet a particular UL fire design.
- To discuss sustainability issues and attain certain certifications
If you are pursuing LEED v4 or seeking to attain WELL Building Standard certification, your construction design manager can help you select products that meet your specific project’s sustainability goals.
- To review your specifications or for help writing them
National Gypsum’s in-house architects and certified Construction Document Technology (CDT) specialists are available to review your specifications at no cost. And to write better project specifications and RFIs or reduce change orders, contact your construction design manager.
- To select appropriate products for your application
Do you need help identifying the correct product(s) for your project? Contact your construction design manager, who can help you select the best products for your specific application.
- To schedule an AIA Lunch ‘N Learn
Your construction design manager or a certified presenter will come to your firm and present a topic of your choice from our continuing education library. These courses are conducted during your lunch hour (we’ll provide the nutrition to keep your team fueled). It’s an easy way to earn your HSW/LU credits.
- To assist you with other project issues
Your National Gypsum construction design manager is part of your team and here to help.

New Additions to the Online NGC Construction Guide
To help you with topics related to the design and construction of buildings, we updated our online version of the 14th edition NGC Construction Guide. Originally published in 2016, this comprehensive guide offers insight about the principles of construction technology and examines vital subjects, including building science, sustainability and acoustics. It includes more than 400 drawings that illustrate complex construction details; how-to diagrams and instructions; an in-depth fire and sound selector; a convenient product selector; and sections detailing specific product features, benefits and technical data charts.
New Additions to the Online NGC Construction Guide
To help you with topics related to the design and construction of buildings, we updated our online version of the 14th edition NGC Construction Guide. Originally published in 2016, this comprehensive guide offers insight about the principles of construction technology and examines vital subjects, including building science, sustainability and acoustics. It includes more than 400 drawings that illustrate complex construction details; how-to diagrams and instructions; an in-depth fire and sound selector; a convenient product selector; and sections detailing specific product features, benefits and technical data charts.
New features include:
- More designs added to the fire and sound selector, including: a 1-hour ceiling membrane (UL Design I504), a 3-hour area separation wall (UL Design W454) and a 1-hour rated floor-ceiling assembly using SoundBreak® XP® (UL Design M514).
- A new section identifying the UL-Core designation of all NGC gypsum board products.
- A new section identifying National Gypsum products that have achieved GREENGUARD and GREENGUARD Gold Certification.
- A new section on 3-hour area separation wall assemblies, including installation instructions and details.
- A new section on the handling and storage of gypsum board.
If you haven’t already, view this updated version now at:, the Construction Instruction® App, or by individual sections on our responsive-ready NGC Construction Guide.

The PURPLE Book® and The SoundBook®
A companion to the NGC Construction Guide, The PURPLE Book® highlights the exclusive qualities of our PURPLE® BRAND and family of products. With nearly 100 real-world assemblies and detailed systems drawings, The PURPLE Book provides you with essential information about our mold-, mildew- and moisture-resistant XP® and eXP® products. To evaluate sound-reducing solutions, The SoundBook® is another valuable tool. With 165 sound-rated assemblies, The SoundBook covers everything acoustical, including our innovative Gold Bond® BRAND SoundBreak® Gypsum Board.
National Gypsum at Your Fingertips
You can find us on the industry’s most popular App, Construction Instruction®. We want you to have access to National Gypsum at all times via your mobile tablets and phones.
Our Goal = Easy for You
It is our goal to make everything easy to use and meaningful. To provide you with the best human resources, technical tools and content for your success, we are never done.
Happy Holidays
We also want to wish you and yours a healthy, happy holiday season.