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SPRI highlights the importance for protecting insulation in low slope roofing with DEXcell

Jan 7, 2023 by Warren Barber

Product Manager Warren Barber explains how cover boards can help extend the life of a roof when raw materials are in short supply

Raw material shortages can often hit the insulation industry hard. The chemical ingredients used to make polyiso insulation can become scarce and remain in short supply. When those shortages occur, they can often continue for a year or more. But construction projects must continue unabated, which means roofing contractors need to find solutions in the short term to keep projects on schedule. What’s a contractor to do?

No ISO? No problem. As the old saying goes: “everything old is new again.” When polyisocyanurate insulation – known as ISO for short – becomes scarce or remains in short supply, EPS and XPS insulations combined with gypsum and/or cement cover boards can come to the rescue and serve as viable alternatives.

Warren Barber, Product Sales Manager for DEXcell® Roof Board, shares his knowledge in a recent article with Single Ply Roofing Industry (SPRI).

Visit the SPRI website to read the full article.

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